is the most popular WiFi module in market, and it is a must have item for WiFi IoT project.
While it is popular, there are some works needed to integrate it into your project as the pins are limited and is not beginner friendly.
Well, we are here to help. This is USB to ESP-01 Serial Adapter. Comes with USB type A jack so you can plug directly to USB socket on laptop or computer. Not to forget the ready 2x4 female header designed for ESP-01 to plug in straight away, this is throughly Plug and Use board :)
It integrates CH340 IC for USB to Serial bridge. It is widely used on all Operating System, uses on Maker UNO too.
- Designed to provide USB to serial link to ESP-01 module
- Plug and Use (Just might need to install CH340 driver for 1st time)
- Adapter board integrated 1000uF capacitor, to ensure stable operation of ESP-01 even with USB powered
- The CH340 comes with SMD crystal oscillator to enhance the stability of the USB to serial communication
- Possible to modify and become USB programmer or loader for ESP-01 module